During their long expeditions (two per year), they study plastic pollution, zooplankton and underwater sound. They also monitor whale and bird populations in Icelandic waters.
Thanks to these expeditions, the support and donations from the people, not only they learn more about the ocean’s health, but can also work with stakeholders and the local communities on educational and environmental projects to inspire both ours and the young generations.
Annual field courses for local kids in Húsavík to increase their awareness about the value of their natural landscapes and the oceans.
A study on microplastic pollution and zooplankton to investigate its potential effects on whales in Skjálfandi Bay, an important feeding ground for humpback whales and other large baleen whales. The data collection is included as part of a special new tour offered by North Sailing and open for the public “Whales Sails and Science“, where people can participate actively on the research project and leave a positive footprint.