
BlueCommuties ProgramLocal Action, Global Impact 


An initiative that operates with one very simple belief: We can and must act locally in order to accelerate change globally.

This program fosters a more sustainable and healthy existence for all by establishing longterm egalitarian relationships with local communities and partners on projects that embrace circular principals. We believe that these localized efforts are the building blocks for creating socioeconomic and environmental change that benefits the entire planet.

Through working with and supporting this diverse network of local partners, our team believes we can make an impact that is felt worldwide.  


Local Engagement • Circular Focused • Micro Grants Available

An initiative that operates with one very simple mission: To connect with community leaders around the globe, joining efforts and sharing knowledge through Film-Activism to best solve our social and environmental obstacles. 

This program establishes long-term relationships with partners who work on projects in their local community that embrace circular principals. We believe that these localized efforts are the building blocks for creating socioeconomic and environmental change that leads to a healthier planet and more equitable society. Plastic Oceans produces, distributes and supports film and other digital content promoting a global movement to rethink plastic.

With our BlueCommunities partners we look to employ Plastic Oceans’ Film-Activism Model as a powerful tool to bridge knowledge gaps, and actively collaborate with communities to identify solution barriers.


Through working with and supporting this diverse network of local partners, our team believes we can make an impact that is felt worldwide.  


Local Engagement • Circular Focused 


What Is a BlueCommunity?

A BlueCommunity is a shared coastal geographic region of any kind or size (village, town, city, province). It’s one whose local culture and economy are driven by the waterways they inhabit –  whether its an ocean, sea, lake or river. 

We select a BlueCommunity based on numerous criteria, but we look for those that are trying to solve plastic pollution or other sustainability issues, with those efforts driven by local stakeholders, such as NGOs, green businesses, government or community associations. We seek to partner with those that best understand the local cultural, economic and environmental dynamics; and we do so by supporting existing programs that work well, or collaborating on new ones that can benefit the community and provide inspiration for change on a global level.

Mexico Kids for Rethink Refill program
UN SDG goals

BlueCommunities operates in unison with the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals, which are a universal call to action to end poverty, protect the planet and improve the lives and prospects of everyone, everywhere.



Click below to learn more about our Communities


Hover and click below to learn more about our initial six locations

Aegean Islands, Greece
Amalfi Coast, Italy, BlueCommunities
Ayangue, Ecuador, BlueCommunities
Balearic Islands, Spain
Bali, Indonesia, BlueCommunities
Canary Islands, Spain, BlueCommunities
Cantabria, Spain
Cartagena, Colombia
Chiloe Island, Chile
Detroit, USA
Douala, Cameroon
Durban, South Africa
Easter Island, Chile
Galapagos Islands, Ecuador
Georgian Bay, Canada, BlueCommunities
Gros Morne region of Canada
Hamburg, Germany
Húsavík, Iceland
Lake Leman, France
La Paz, Mexico
Lima, Peru
Mahone Bay, Canada
Maya Riviera, Mexico
Metropolitan Region, Chile, BlueCommunities
Phoenix, USA
Pune, India
Reykjavik, Iceland
Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, BlueCommunities
Santa Marta, Colombia
Tarragona, Spain
Valencia, Spain
Vancouver Canadá
Vilanova i la Geltru, Spain


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This program offers our organization the opportunity to collaborate with local NGOs and stakeholders to amplify pre-existing projects and to create new ones. It allows us to support a diverse array of socioeconomic and environmental activities that create positive and measurable change aligned with an international framework, thus affecting global progress.

In turn, it offers members a wider audience, provides them the financial support and resources that they need, and connects them with like-minded communities and organizations around the planet.

Each member is a rich source of information and wisdom, so members are encouraged to interact with each other in order to inform, inspire and incite the different types of action and change that is needed for a healthier society and planet.

Together we can all work within our local context to benefit our shared global community. Click below to get started!


Plastic Oceans International logo

Plastic Oceans International is a 501(c)(3), non-profit organization, founded and existing under the laws of California (Federal Tax ID #81-3778043). We are dedicated to ending plastic pollution and fostering sustainable communities worldwide.

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