Film Impact

We continue to be impressed by the film impact that A Plastic Ocean continues to make around the globe.

  • A Plastic Ocean has been screened in over 90 countries and on 6 continents.
  • There have been over 5,000 screenings hosted by government agencies, non-profits, schools, universities, individuals, multilateral institutions, corporations, aquariums and many more.
  • 14 plus film festival awards.
  • The film has been subtitled in 17 languages.
  • The 22-minute version of the film was screened at the UN’s Ocean Conference on June 6 in New York City, to a crowd of over 500 people. 
  • Plastic Oceans has over 50 partnerships around the globe with non-profits, government agencies, businesses, universities and schools. Highlights of some of these partnerships include phasing out Styrofoam containers in the US Embassy in Peru, changing legislation in Barbados and potentially Australia, reducing plastic consumption in hotels in New York, Phuket, Thailand and more.
  • The United Nations Information Center of Bogota screened the film in 25 schools throughout Colombia and over 200 students participated. They created videos and took pictures to share their commitment to reduce plastic.

Plastic Oceans Film Impact Infographic

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Plastic Oceans International is a 501(c)(3), non-profit organization, founded and existing under the laws of California (Federal Tax ID #81-3778043). We are dedicated to ending plastic pollution and fostering sustainable communities worldwide.

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