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Semana del Clima Panel

11/19/2020 @ 6:30 pm - 8:00 pm CLST

Semana del Clima Panel

Regional Director of Plastic Oceans Latin America to Moderate Panel

Within the framework of the event: Semana del Clima (Climate Week), this panel will be moderated by our director Mark Minneboo, which will address the Circular Economy with a focus on consumers, from a systemic thinking point of view, the integration of the concept of circularity in higher education and user experience through circular projects.
Online event with prior registration. Limited spaces!

En el marco de la Semana del Clima, se realizará este panel moderado por nuestro director Mark Minneboo, el cual abordará la Economía Circular con un enfoque hacia los consumidores, desde un punto de vista del pensamiento sistémico, la integración del concepto de la circularidad en la educación superior y la experiencia del usuario a través de proyectos circulares.
Evento online con previa inscripción. ¡Cupos limitados!
Inscripciones en: https://kas-de.zoom.us/webinar/register/8616043227591/WN_NQrjVId1TG2CTQC9zfM3cg


6:30 pm - 8:00 pm CLST

Plastic Oceans International logo

Plastic Oceans International is a 501(c)(3), non-profit organization, founded and existing under the laws of California (Federal Tax ID #81-3778043). We are dedicated to ending plastic pollution and fostering sustainable communities worldwide.

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