Articles Tagged with: Fundación Meri

Conversaciones en VerdeAzul

Together with our allies from Fundación MERI (@fundacionmeri), we invite you to participate in the Conversations in VerdeAzul! The following live conversation will take place next Monday, March 29 at […]

Conversaciones VERDE/AZUL

We invite you to the new chapter of “Conversaciones Verde/Azul”, this time Fundacion Meri is proposing the theme “Sustainable Economy”, with two great guests; Carry Somers, Founder and Director of […]

Plastic Oceans International logo

Plastic Oceans International is a 501(c)(3), non-profit organization, founded and existing under the laws of California (Federal Tax ID #81-3778043). We are dedicated to ending plastic pollution and fostering sustainable communities worldwide.

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