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3er Conversatorio Agenda COP25

08/12/2019 @ 7:00 pm - 8:30 pm CLT

Agenda COP25

Plastic Oceans Chile’s Executive Director and Science Director to attend.

En la 3ra versión del conversatorio Agenda Cop25, se hablará de los ODS14 y 15, Vida Submarina y Ecosistemas Terrestres.
Nuestros directores, Camila Ahrendt y Mark Minneboo, estarán participando hablando sobre la contaminación por plásticos en los océanos, y también participarán alumnos del Magister de Derecho Ambiental de la Universidad del Desarrollo, Elías Araya, ingeniero agrónomo y abogado especialista en Suelos, y Laura Rodríguez, abogada colombiana experta en biodiversidad y áreas protegidas.

In the 3rd version of Agenda COP25, we are going to talk about SDG 14 and 15, Life Below Water and Life on Land.
Our directors, Camila Ahrendt and Mark Minnebo will talk about plastic pollution and our work as a foundation. Students of the Environmental Law Master, Elías Araya ans Laura Rodrígez will join us too.


7:00 pm - 8:30 pm CLT
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Auditorio Campus Plaza Italia deUniversidad Pedro de Valdivia
Vicuña Mackenna 44
Santiago, Chile
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Plastic Oceans International is a 501(c)(3), non-profit organization, founded and existing under the laws of California (Federal Tax ID #81-3778043). We are dedicated to ending plastic pollution and fostering sustainable communities worldwide.

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