La Feria Regional de Educación Ambiental, organizada por el Seremi de Medio Ambiente de la Región Metropolitana, normalmente se realiza de manera presencial con stands de colegios y universidades y expositores. Sin embargo debido al COVID-19 se realizará de forma online a través de salas con distintas temáticas con exposiciones que se podrán ver a través de YouTube. Mark Minneboo, director regional para Latinoamérica, participará a las 14:30h en la sala de Economía Circular.

The Regional Environmental Education Fair, organized by the Metropolitan Region Environment Seremi , is normally held in person with stands from schools and universities and exhibitors. However, due to COVID-19, it will be held online through online “rooms” with different themes and exhibitions that can be seen on YouTube. Mark Minneboo, Regional Director for Latin America, will participate at 2:30 p.m. in the Circular Economy room.