Whalecome to Studying the Ocean… in Arizona
Charlie Rolsky, Director of Science North America to Give Virtual Talk at University of Texas Austin’s Osher Lifelong Learning Institute.
Join Dr. Rolsky as he discussed his path to studying plastic pollution in the ocean. Plastic use is skyrocketing and lesser know is the impact microplaastics on surrounding ecosystems. Explore the problem through research done within ecosystems and species around the world. What can you do to help?
The talk will be via Zoom. Here is the link for the day of the talk: https://zoom.us/w/97529969252?tk=JZVvdDaaQUoFp6eqzHSv11ymilk_CJnDLDGToFHZgyc.DQIAAAAWtT06ZBZZb216VVlxSFRTLVkycnRTX0pKMFV3AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA#success