One Global Community … Many Solutions
Earth Day is like New Year’s Day for me. A day to reflect on the things that are important to me and start new resolutions for change to improve my life and those in my community.
This poem is my inspirational reminder that guides me on this day of respecting and better understanding Mother Earth:
May we raise children
who love the unloved
things – the dandelion, the
worms & spiderlings.
Children who sense
the rose needs the thorn
& run into rainswept days
the same way they
turn towards sun…
And when they’re grown &
someone has to speak for those
who have no voice
may they draw upon that
wilder bond, those days of
tending tender things
and be the ones.
~ Nicolette Sowder
The word of Nicolette Sowder reflect the guiding principles of Plastic Oceans – we are one global community made up of many unique communities, interconnected by social and environmental factors.
Within our local sphere, we can see the importance and beauty of the smaller things in nature that support us. It is through our shared connections with other communities, both big and small, where we hold the collective power to protect a world for future generations.
On this Earth Day, I hope you can join us by supporting our programs that continue to raise awareness of the seen and unseen harm created by plastic and that foster sustainable solutions to end plastic pollution. Through our BlueCommunities initiative we support and empower local partners around the world to embrace sustainable changes to end plastic pollution within their communities. Our upcoming Trees & Seas event bridges our beautifully interconnected world by land and sea. And our Rethink.Refill. program allows us to bring safe drinking water, refilling stations and reusable water bottles to vulnerable communities worldwide. Finally, as many of you know, creating engaging films is how we started and how we will continue to drive our mission. It is through great this powerful visual medium that we can most powerfully share inspirational stories from within the communities we are serving.
If you are fortunate enough to be in a position to donate, please consider supporting us on this Earth Day. The generosity of individuals truly is what allows us to do what we do best. We have some great gifts to show our appreciation and I’m happy to say that every single person donating today will receive something – no matter how small or big your donation is. PLUS, due to the generosity of a few key sponsors and grants, 100% of all donations from individuals go directly to real action within our programs. And that’s not just today … but rather for the rest of 2021!
And if you just aren’t able to donate, don’t worry, you can still help us by volunteering or simply by sharing our content with others. Knowledge is power, and the fact is that many out there are still not aware of the impact of plastic pollution on their communities or even their own health. Share our films. Share our resource page. Or share info from another organization that you support.
I again wish you all a very Happy Earth Day and thank you for your support. Together we can all make a difference. Let’s collaborate to create sustainable change to end plastic pollution and protect our planet!