Plastic Oceans International (POI) acknowledges the profound impact “Participant” has had on the landscape of social impact cinema.

Malibu, California, April 20, 2024, Participant’s closure after twenty years of transformative storytelling is a significant milestone. Plastic Oceans International (POI) recognizes the profound impact this studio has had on social impact cinema. Participant have not only shed light on global issues but also shown how narratives can inspire action. Films like “An Inconvenient Truth” and “Food Inc.” have paved the way for organizations, like POI, to continue the critical mission of ocean conservation.

Jeff Skoll demonstrated a groundbreaking approach by combining activism and filmmaking, proving that it’s feasible to educate and captivate worldwide audiences in a profit-oriented industry. At POI, the team has been influenced by Participant’s visionary concept and is enthusiastic about carrying forward its legacy through POI’s own endeavors. 

Our model differs from Participant’s in that our commitment lies in seamlessly integrating filmmaking and activism throughout the entire process, from production to screening, in order to amplify opportunities for both local and global change. We are driven by our mission to make a significant impact on ocean conservation and beyond.

Ocean conservation is more important than ever as we all experience information overload in today’s fast-paced digital age. The constant advancements in media technology bring both new possibilities and obstacles. As the world comes together to discuss critical global initiatives such as the Global Plastic Treaty, it becomes vital to effectively communicate the intricacies of policy-making and the unique challenges faced by different communities. 

POI believes its own film-activism model is the best way to bring about immediate impact and long-term sustainable change. Our unique approach not only serves as a valuable educational platform but also as a powerful advocacy tool. By empowering stakeholders, it enables them to actively participate in shaping and influencing policies that promote ocean conservation.

Plastic Oceans International centers its efforts on creating content that goes beyond just raising awareness. Our goal is to inspire action and make a real impact on ocean conservation. We achieve this by actively involving governments, corporations, schools, and all levels of participants in the filmmaking process. By incorporating their feedback, we ensure that our films tackle important issues and help policymakers understand and address specific challenges faced by communities.

As POI pushes forward with this model, the enduring impact of Participant’s legacy serves as a constant reminder of the immense influence. That film possesses in driving meaningful change. With the advent of advanced technologies, POI now has the ability to amplify these endeavors, allowing nonprofit organizations worldwide to engage in the production, distribution, and consumption of films more easily. 

This evolution in the world of filmmaking empowers POI to tackle pressing global issues such as plastic pollution, climate change, and gender equality with even greater efficacy. By leveraging this progress, POI can make significant strides in the realm of ocean conservation and safeguarding marine ecosystems.

POI would like to express their utmost appreciation to Jeff Skoll. And his team at Participant for their groundbreaking contributions to both the film industry and making a positive social impact. Their incredible legacy will forever serve as a source of inspiration and guidance for our work at Plastic Oceans International. Through the impactful medium of film, POI is committed to driving significant change in ocean conservation. Together, we march onward with renewed determination to transform the world, one compelling story at a time.

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